Patrick Segovia


Patrick Segovia is a multimedia and marketing practitioner, with a penchant for creative and entrepreneurial practices. He enjoys essential collaboration and the practical use of creativity in business. He is passionate about delivering quality content and impactful strategies. On the side, he mentors aspiring creative professionals and talent to navigate the sordid landscape of their respective industries.

An AI artists rendition

Patrick Segovia


Patrick Segovia is a multimedia and marketing practitioner, with a penchant for creative and entrepreneurial practices.

 Patrick enjoys essential collaboration and the practical use of creativity in business. He is passionate about delivering quality content and impactful strategies. On the side, he mentors aspiring creative professionals and talent to navigate the sordid landscape of their respective industries.

An AI artists rendition
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The Highlight
The Highlight

Dancing for Christmas Parties: A Tradition That Needs to Stop

Call me the Grinch but it’s mind-boggling that a senior executive from a reputable multinational company would cancel
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The Highlight

Dancing for Christmas Parties: A Tradition That Needs to Stop

Call me the Grinch but it’s mind-boggling that a senior executive from a reputable multinational company would cancel